Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Less than a week!

This time next week, I'll be on a plane to Orlando, having just spent the day in Los Angeles!
So many people doing the program are already off on their adventures in the states. I've been stalking all of their facebook photos from their trip so far.. and wow, it's hard to believe I will be in some of those places in less than a week! The weather there also looks so perfect, which will make a nice change.. today, it was hailing, and raining sideways here! Although, I did happen to look at the extended forecast for Orlando, and while temperatures are in the 30s (degrees celcius that is), every day is forecast with storms, and thunder and lightning! I guess its because of the heat.. but I'm still hoping its not as bad as that when we get there!

It doesn't really feel like this is my last week in New Zealand. It STILL hasn't sunken in yet haha!
I've half-packed, but I guess I'll pack properly on the weekend :)
I'm scared I'm gonna forget something important, but hopefully not! And if I do, hopefully it'll be something I can just buy there. I have to make sure there isn't anything I have to buy before I leave too.

I'm really looking forward to LA. Ashley was having a think about what sites we should visit, and I definitely like her list. For me, Santa Monica (to ride the ferris wheel!) and Venice Beach are a must because I probably won't get a chance to go there when I'm back in LA by myself in January.

So it will be the 13th July when we arrive in Orlando, and there will be quite a few others arriving that day. Our group (Keri, Ashley, Jessica T and myself) have planned a day of shopping (Walmart, Florida Mall, Premium Outlets!!) and then we are having a big group dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe with whoever else is in Orlando on the 13th :) Of course, anyone else who is in Orlando on the 13th will be welcome to come shopping too!!

I've also set up a photobucket account to put all my photos on, so everyone can see them :)
There is a link on my blog page (not many photos yet!).
Keep checking it from next week.. there'll be hundreds of photos, I can guarantee it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess, I'm Amy and I've been accepted into the ICP next year for 6 months! January to June (actually 5 months. ANYWAY, I'm sooooooo excited for you and I'm going to be keeping track of your blog to get an idea as to what I'm up for, what its like, etc! I'll be sure to pop you a few questions if any come up!!!!! I have my own blog but I have decided I'm not going to start it until around December! I hope you don't mind me sort of.. stalking your blog! My boyfriend is coming up for 6 months in January as well and is doing Vacation Planning so it should be good for him to see how you cope with it:) We are from Melbourne btw. Like I said, I'm so excited for you!!!!! Have a good flight!!

